This is just an update, I don't want to do this. I need to tell someone the truth, yet the truth hurts. Honestly I need to tell many people the truth..... but how much do I say?? It's 11:30pm, and I want to sleep.... but this isn't going away. What do I say when I don't want to stay with a church that judges. I understand that we need consequences but if there was love, then why would we judge? This just doesn't make sense.
Am I a sex addict?
I searched and found a sex addiction quiz.... I took this and found out that on this I scored a 10 out of 20. Most sex addicts are at level 6.... I'm on the verge of being non and clinical. So is this a problem for me? I look at my spending.... I've spent money on sexual things but is it normal... According to my family I should have no interest in sex... it's suppose to be a big secret. Yet, in the real world, It's not a secret, it should have been protected... but for me it was a secret.
With scoring half way and discovering that it's not clinical.... I feel like one sexual partner could solve the problem. But what does that mean for me??
Time will tell.........