Friday, December 9, 2011

Safety vrs Obligations

I have obligations that I have to be around for, but for my own safety, I really should be else where. I really don't know what to do. I have to be there for my family, to finish the semester, and to work. I know I can help others with feelings like what I have, but right now, things are hard. I'm not sure what I want to do. Since what I want I can't have. I have finals to study for, but at the same time, I really should be helping myself. But the hard thing is trying to balance everything. I know what I should do, but at the same time I have to do my obligations. I have things to do. Which is more important?

I know I had a break down last night, I need to talk to someone about the plans, how I"m feeling, and if there's anything else I can do before "turning myself in" so to speak. What more can I do if exercise doesn't work all the way, or talking about it, what then? I know what the professionals would say, safety is more important, but there has to be something else I can do. Isn't there?

For now, I will try to put this all behind me, at least for tonight, and maybe I'll try to do something I once loved, to see if it helps, and I'll exercise tomorrow.

Game plan:
Study, complete assignments
practice clarinet
attempt to get past all this.

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