Am I ready for life after Depression and Addiction?
Am I ready to come back to the life that I should have had?
Am I ready to give up suicidal thoughts forever?
Am I ready??
Am I ready for LOVE?
Am I ready to tell my family?
There's a lot that I am thinking about tonight, and I kind of know that sleep may be impossible until I get this out. So I ask, Am I ready??
I gave a challenge to myself that I am going to fulfill tonight.... a Letter to myself about what to do when triggers come up, and I want to give into either depression, addiction, or love.
Dear self,
Over the last 10 years you have felt like dying, and wanting to give into addiction. That has to stop today, for there are many things left for you to do in this life. I know you are asking these questions, if you are ready to live a life that you would be proud of, and you are ready, so start today, start by saying yes to yourself, and to others. You have been promised many blessings, and in order to have those blessings, you have to be willing to do the things that you contracted to do, even before this life began. You promised that you would be a force for good, that you would be able to love another and have children. You may not be ready yet to tell your family and scared that you are to give up these thoughts, but you have too... for these reasons!!!
1) Temple marriage
2) it's not just about you anymore
3) Isolation from God and others
4) All of the self-doubt that you have experienced
5)Relationship with God and others.
Now these are not all your reasons, but these are the most important.
Some of the Consequences are these:
1) No temple marriage
2) Damage done both physically, spiritually, and emotionally
3) Relationships with God and others
4) Withdrawal from others and self
5) Mental impacts of relationships
6) Shame, Guilt, and Worries
7) Fear of people finding out
8) No temple admittance
9) Loss of self-respect
10) Loss of healthy sexual desire
11) Language of Mind and Spirit.
If I continue I could lose my life, family, friends, time, relationships, self-respect and temple marriage.Which is important to me!!
Gaining my life back will not be easy, but will be worth every moment, I'll gain:
1) Relationships
2) Temple Marriage
3) My eternal companion
4) Self-respect
5) Love of others and SELF
To love thyself, is to know thyself.

Just a few reminders to say you are enough!!!
There is no need to hurt yourself, if you truly love yourself. So start today with yourself, and find another reason to keep living, and keep loving yourself.
In order to Soar in life one must first love thyself, to do that it takes time to really know thyself and to accept oneself for who you are. Second, one must take time to know thyself, and to really care about who you are. You are what is important no one else matters until you love thyself enough to choose to live. So make that choice, today by not giving into triggers, by doing something for yourself. If your struggling here is a list of things that you can do to love yourself.
1) Become a kid again and COLOR!!!!
2) Play some music that is calming
3) Use your coping skills
4) Take time to read
5) Take time to know who you are by writing
6) Take time to enjoy your musical abilities
7) Take time to enjoy family
There that's one for each day of the week, keep adding to this list, there is always more ways that you can love yourself. Start by taking care of your physical, emotional, and spiritual health everyday, for this is who you truly are, YOURSELF. That's all you can be, yourself.
There that didn't take long, and I can read this where ever I go, and read it every day until I believe it myself and start living the life that I am meant to have.
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