Tuesday, April 28, 2015


I'm wondering what else I can do for self-care, I've hit a rough patch and all I want to do is sleep. Once again, in a depressed state. I keep looking online for resources that may be helpful, and so far, not much. I'm hurting over a choice that I made, and it's bring me to tears. I don't know what else I can do to get myself out of this state fast. Or else I may have to call into work, if I can't get myself out of it quick enough. I just don't know anymore. I want an out, but there is no out. I feel discouraged, and in a lot of emotional shame pain. Maybe talking about it will be helpful but I just don't know anymore. I can't continue like this, something has to change. But what?? What can I change that will provide a big enough impact that will help. I just don't know.

When looking online I came across a Self-care Assessment, I'm scared to try it but I know it will point out where I can change to make it easier... do I do it before a session, or on my own and then talk about it with my therapist.... That's the big question of the hour.

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