Monday, December 30, 2013
Controling People in MY Life
I want to believe that nothing is wrong, but even there the TV was on for most of the day, I spent time away from everyone to get away from all of they happy-feelly movies that just got on my nerves. But I was passive about how I lived there. There is more to life out there besides the episodes and movies that are on constantly. I just have to find a way to be away from the TV.
On the bright side my room has a bit left clutter and it's looking more open... except for the last few piles of papers to go through and find a good system to get around the clutter. Which takes work.
Everything in life requires WORK. and that's the fact that as a teenager that I just didn't want to hear, and wanted to run from. Now today, I wish that I can get pass that and on to seeing that my dreams are within reach, with work and patience.
With this new semester I hope to get away from my sister, and actually study and improve upon things that matter the most to me. Besides Life is work, which requires effort.
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Active lifestyle
I've believed that I was good enough without putting in the effort. Today I begin to change that thought process. There is so much more I can do but I have to decrease some activities and increase others. Also choose what is most important and useful for me, and what I want to do in life. This all seems like a big task.
First item.... sleep and get up on time.
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Not a good day
I had to perform on piano... that was harder with my mind going crazy. Between the finals and my mind state and not only that but I was in a group a few days ago, we were asked to write a letter to our addiction(s). I started to list things out.... then we were asked to read the letters. I couldn't read it. Writing the letter was hard enough. The fact that I couldn't has bugged me.
I had a dream that someone found my letter and read it. I've felt anxious and just wanting to run and hide. But instead I had to play piano. Honestly, I still want to run.... or talk with someone trustworthy that I can really talk to and get advice. This time of year is a little hard. Due to being hospitalized for the first time 5 years ago, in 6 days from now.
New Resource
I wanted to put it here since I have a hard time wanting to talk on the phone to my T.
At least tonight, I've been around kids and that has helped me to want to live.... but the snow and ICE doesn't help me. I strongly dislike Ice and winter driving and I get to do more winter driving unless the roads are bad.... I still can't believe that it snowed in St. George, Utah, USA.... and they have NO snow removal program. I sure hope people are safe.
Friday, December 6, 2013
Why do I have to have a mind full of death, darkness, sickness, and fear?
I'm not even sure if it will end, or what to do. I haven't told to many. I'm just not sure how much longer I can hold on.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Bad night
I was asked about the why behind the suicidal thoughts. ... I had no idea what triggered them. Could have been a perfect opportunity, or something else. I didn't reach out, partly due to hearing "what can we do to help? " and then the concern in there eyes. I hate asking for help. Tonight when I found myself typing advance directives... well that freaked me out. Mentally I'm not safe. Physical I am safe. No matter were I go.... I can't run away... the thoughts are always with me. Maybe I better draw tonight.
Hot Chocolate on a Bitter Cold Day
Turned in one paper for Principles of Learning
40 minutes of practice time on clarinet
20 minutes of practice time on piano
All caught up for Class Piano
Started a project
Had Dinner, lunch, and breakfast (mostly healthy)
Picked up meds
That's a good list for all of the suicidal thoughts and brain and eyes going crazy. I had to take a tablet of Ativan. Oh and it's in the single digits outside.... WAY too COLD for me. I'm trying to stop myself right now from doing the things that my head is telling me to do. This is not an easy night.... a very difficult night. So instead, I will work on another paper that's due soon. And then fall asleep. And get up on time, to make it to my PT appointment. But the hot chocolate was WAY good.
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Blank Screen
Run and hide
The smile on my face is totally fake. I've had the worst morning imaginable. Between not wanting to get out of bed, to having suicidal thoughts. Not to mention all the people that I'm around, and the flashbacks from about 5 years ago.
I want to hide, disappear from all, especially when I have to pretend that all is well. Pretending takes a lot out of me, which doesn't help. Overall I feel tired of always fighting against the darkness that seems to come at me in all times.
How much longer can I take all of this? I came close to following the thoughts and just giving up. Why do I have to keep fighting all of this? Does this ever end... the fighting against chemistry and biology?
I wish I had someone to talk to.... someone that would listen without chastising me or pushing me to go to the hospital once again. ... why is December so hard and full of memories. Why do I feel like I have to always hide.... or to always feel the need to get help. No one knows the thoughts I have had. Nor does anyone know how bad this is getting. ... I just want to run and hide from the world, since hiding from my thoughts is harder and almost impossible right now.
Saturday, November 30, 2013
To talk, or not
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Life is interesting, some days are great and then you have something hit you that shifts your thinking into something greater. Today it was one of those days. (I hope this makes sense) I thought behavior was something that could be changed, It was one of those If A=B, B=C, then A=C. A being Behavior, B being Emotion, and C being Changeable. Meaning that my emotions can be changeable... grr that's not quite right... It was along those lines.
Anyway, I have to change, and the best way is to read "The Four Agreements"
More to come.
Sunday, November 24, 2013
When all and said is done
Second thing that bugged me was the fact that decorating the tree was always a family thing... this year, I asked if she wanted help, and I got the answer of no back. She did it all, while I sat back and thought of suicide. MMM let's see here, Feeling as if I'm nothing is a pretty strong emotion which just takes over me. I've already had a few hard weeks, and now this. I can't take this any more. The controlling sister is OVER!!!! Yes I"m ticked off, and I wish I had something to smash, just to get her attention. Now I'm tempted to put my tree up in my room to make a statement.
Third thing, I realize I didn't do anything today but, part of it was the whole church issue with my sister, and then add on the Christmas Decor. I'm just not sure how much of this I can take. I want to just run and hide, and then find a better living situation, but the one thing that holds me here is the fact that I know that moving right now is not good finacually for my sister. Yet I sit here and worry about how that would affect her, instead of me....EXTRINSIC. It's not for me anymore. Dieing would be more for me. That way I wouldn't have to put up with all of the medications, and family seeing me as broken. Even right now tears are flowing down my face because of all of this built up emotions that I'm never allowed to show. I have to be the strong on, even when all hell breaks loose.
Fourth and final thing. I feel worthless, always dependent on other people. I've lost the will to try, and most of all, I've lost the will to succeed.
I'm in a support group and one thing that we do is to check in. I'm doing this for me to see how I feel.
Physically~ Sore, my right hip is out, back is a little out of place, wrist hurts, head is throbbing, and feet are tired
Emotionally~ Frustrated with life, scared of the next few hours, Wanting a way out, stressed,
Spiritually~ Out of focus, confused, scared, wanting a way out
Yet at the end of this day, nothing really helps. I still feel crappy, and hurt, and like yelling everything at the top of my lungs. I'm not sure how much more strong emotions I can take.
Fact: I have been off one medication and it may be affecting me
Fact: Most of what I do is for someone else
Fact: I hate life
Fact: I need help
Fact: I'm Scared
Fact: I need someone to talk to and cry on their shoulder.
Fact: I'm going to sleep crying.
I hate strong emotion.
Friday, November 22, 2013
Slow computer... slow morning
I know I have quite a bit to do for a very busy day with a concert, but I also know that I can't practice due to having a concert, which really sucks. I just can't over due things....
Right now all I want to do is just sleep, and disappear. I turned in one assignment that was not really good either. The only thing that I think could help is to exercise but I just don't want to go out into the cold temp of 24 degrees F.
I have quite a bit to do, and no will to do them... this is going to be a problem.... oh wait this is a big problem....
To get out of bed
I normally don't get out of bed in a timely manner. I like to sleep.... but then I get to class late. As it is I didn't do a great job on either assignment. .... just due to depression symptoms. I normally don't let people know that I am struggling. ... but I think I have to let on instructor know, that and I'm not understanding the material, and didn't put in enough time. .. I wish I could get myself to focus longer.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Aural skills
I ser the point in aural skills but its more of an external motivation. Its a requirement of my minor. I want to pass the class, but at the same time it doesn't come easily. .. and putting in the time is difficult.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Sore neck
I feel that a top priority for me is to see my chiropractor to realign my back and neck, an intrinsic need. I set the appointment yesterday. ... it can't come soon enough. I also feel a need to strengthen my wrist, again an intrinsic need. But to do homework that's more extrinsic. Another reason why it's not getting done. "I can accomplish anything. I feel a desire to improve through my studies, to learn more about music, which means I will understand and finish my assignments before they are due (at least 12 hours prior)" (a power statement by me)
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Study habits
Right now, studying depends on feeling the need to learn. Which is based on external views, such as grades, instead of the joy of learning, which is internal. The desire to get out off bed needs to be internal or I'll "may have wish (that I) had started today. " (Karen Lamb) in order to be lessed depressed I have to start by doing something different even if it doesn't make any sense.
Movie or music
Well the movie makes me feel good but there isn't a good thing that comes of the time. Music should be intrinsic but today it seems extrinsic. ..... or I try both at the same time, which decreases the effect of both. I do know that my grade depends on the time and effort I put in which means it needs to be intrinsic. Okay part of this is withdrawal of one medication, which means exercise will help.
...... example one
I'm also thinking of the motivation of why I chose to exercise which seems to be different for every time.... instead of something stable, and for me, that improves my mood.
Locus of Control
For example, Music for the sack of performance, I normally have left it up to chance, instead of effort. For today, How much effort I put in depends on whither I want to put the time in, or if it's for the sake of performance. It's based on how much I value the final product and the lessons learned.
Taken from:

Saturday, November 16, 2013
I feel so alone, once again my sister won't go to an event of mine, I feel like she doesn't care about me and my talent and cares more about it being boring and not enjoyable. Its like denying who I am. I've done things for her.... why can't she see how much I need help. I'm stubborn and I just don't want to admit to how bad things are getting. Talking is hard, but keeping this all in could make recovery longer. Is this from being off one medication, or do my meds need to be changed, somehow? Or am I strong enough to get past this? I just don't know, but at least I am getting it out of me.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Over the last week, I've said that I'm fine but I'm not. I want to appear strong, but that would be a lie. I'm doing all I can but its not good we enough. Yet every thought brings sadness, I can't work, can't practice piano, limited clarinet practice time, not understanding secondary functions, ear training is hard when everything sounds the same. There's more bad then good. I keep switching things from letters, notes on the staff, to concepts. Is there something out there that can stop these thoughts?
Who can I turn to tonight? My doc doesn't have hours tomorrow. ... I need to sleep. ... I need someone to get out of my head, to leave my thoughts, leave my mind. Will reading help? Will that voice just leave tonight and never return? This must sound weird, but its the truth.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
I hear everyone around me talking, and all I can do is just want to remain hidden, partly forgotten. I know I have class and I'll go no matter what, and then I'll study another class while listening to the performances. (music minor) I have much to do, so I just use a shield of vulnerability and try and numb out....
Overcoming hopelessness - Nick Vujicic at TEDxNoviSad
Special day
It's 11:10 on 11/12/13
Doesn't take a rocket scientist to know
It could be a very special day
A day without pain
But pain is all I have
And the emptiness inside
I see people who I know, and yet I want to just disappear.
I just wish someone could take the pain away.
I normally don't write poetry, but this fits today...
I hope with letting this out that I can study.
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Scream 2
I need someone to help me. I don't like social situations, tonight brought on a lot of fear to be around people. I haven't felt this in a few months. I want to just hide from everything. ... but that's not possible. Talking may help, but all I want is to hide and stay alone. Which I know is a red flag and as my safety plan says I need to keep living and do something from my list. I will sleep tonight and find one person to talk to and try and play one of my instruments. I will stay safe and then call my doc on Monday, if I can't lessen the thoughts and intense feelings of escape.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Got done with one test and I know I did poorly. I need to find a way to improve for the next test. And then someone asks a question about my cast.... which just annoys me. And also interrupts my thoughts. For the test I mixed up some things.... which didn't help, rhythm was off. If I didn't have to sing then it would be easier.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Recently I saw a video about an injured veterans who gave up on life. He gained 100 pounds, and used supporters to stand. He couldn't walk and was told that he would never be able to run. He found someone that believed in him. After 10 months of yoga he lost the weight and is now able to run. I hope that I can be an inspiration to one person, because anything is possible with the right influence.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Why do I have to ... it seems like I have to be strong for everyone around me. Why is that? Why is it that social situations are so tasking and I just feel so alone? Where is that one person that I feel comfortable talking to? Where I can say anything and they don't judge me or say that I screwed up. One that will do what ever I need. I used to be able to talk to others but now it's just awkward. When am I going to dare greatly?
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
New medication... and it goes out the window.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Tired but not asleep
I want to falk fast asleep. .. but its not easy tonight either I am just hot, or its the fact that I feel crappie. .... I need to sleep.hopefully opening the window will help.
Dances and beauty
The one thing I hate is going to a dance and the slow songs start, and I have no one to dance with. It happened twice on Friday night. Then today I was listening to the radio and heard "you're beautiful." Hearing that helps when depression sets in because I have no one to dance with.
Friday, October 25, 2013
Medication switch
Thursday, October 24, 2013
If I did speak up, (I know this is predicting, and I don't know what she is thinking, but this is what I see based on passed experience.) she would say it's my responsibility to keep everything clean, or get mad at me for speaking up for myself, or get upset. None of these do I want to see so I just end up bottling up this bit of annoyance, but that doesn't do me any good either. What are my options?? Either keep everything in my room, and I mean EVERYTHING, or clean up every night no matter how small it may be.
Here's the other kicker, if she get's annoyed she takes it out on me. I really hate this right now, I just can't take all of this.... yet another reason why I perposely watch shows that she hates, just to say you don't own me. I just wish that she would understand that she has got this annoyance from her ex.... who did the same exact thing..... It has to be her way or the highway...well not in my book...
Monday, October 21, 2013
After everything that has happened today, giving in sounds easier than trying to study... I just have to remember that I do have better coping skills that would help, even if I don't think it will help. (common problem for people)
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Day of change
vent over. Besides I have stuff to review
Monday, October 14, 2013
One week and one hour
I am strong and in control of my thoughts. And that gives me reason to smile, despite being in a cast.
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Distracted by cast
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Physical Cast.... mentally draining week
Monday, October 7, 2013
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
... to write left handed.... at least I can type again.
Jury Duty on top of classes, just makes life interesting... Please let my number not come up.
Must work on things.... must get things done.... with a hand that's only 50% of normal... argg.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
long day
I expect greatness from myself, and I know I am not as broken as some around me think I am.
Friday, September 13, 2013
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Study time..... or just not losing myself.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Band... a distraction is also on the Suicide page)
Today has not been good, I got summoned for Jury Duty, and I'm a full time student and that was not a good enough reason to be dismissed... I can't miss class, I'm in all music classes. With that in the future, I just don't want to do it, I know I would get dismissed early but I don't want to spend the time to do that.
With that terrible news, and the fact that I'm getting behind on all of my classes, and there is just not enough time for everything. It's led to suicidal thoughts, and planning.. I just need to keep distracted, but it's sooo hard. Even though I need to be practicing, I'm not... I really don't even want to practice, Just go home.... and cause pain.... or just lock myself in my room. I just can't go into the hospital right now, since things are really bad. The stress of being a music major, and then the lights turning off. I just want to do nothing... but maybe grabbing a pizza and breadsticks may just help, and then I can come back and practice... maybe. Or I could just go work out...
Choices, Choices.......I don't even know what practice time, if it would be worth it... Sorry my thoughts are a little jumbled right now. I don't know what I will do right now. Can I just scream?!
Monday, September 9, 2013
2 weeks
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Over the past 2 years I have gained 50 pounds!!!!!! I'm not obese yet, but I still could be. What do I do.... nothing. Trying to change is hard, and trying to lose all of the shame thinking is going to be hard. This shame thinking of just doing the bare minimum isn't helping, and there's just so much of it.
There needs to be a transformation (sorry but I am watching "Extreme Weigh loss Edition") of thought, and to lose some weight. I know what I need to do, and that is to exercise, and start WORKING on all the Shame thoughts.
Right now, all of this feels overwhelming. But I know that I need to refocus on me, and my school work. I also know that my health needs improvement, and it will help with depression as I found out... exercise increases good things and can change how I am feeling. This is going to be hard, but I need to do this, because to work hard is to be extraordinary.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
No Group
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
All I want tonight, I can't have it. I have to keep going... when things just seem like they are getting worse. I can't keep going like this... I was going to read for a class and then discovered I have the wrong book.... I'm not sure how much more I can handle tonight.... I've had enough... maybe sleep will help.
Monday, August 26, 2013
Fear.... hope
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Monday, August 19, 2013
Sunday, August 18, 2013
After all of this heartache, what else is there?? Is there someone out there that will listen besides my mental health team??
Saturday, August 17, 2013
I thought this post was going to be about that, but it's not.... I've felt numb because of the pain that I have been experiencing. Enough to not want to go into the doctor to make sure it isn't serious. Well, anyway I went in, and it caused me to want to say, hey I like the pain, what happens if I let the pain stay around... but I didn't I had some sort of resistance. But tonight, I'm sitting here with a lot of pain and just wanting more pain, because then my life would be ending... I just want out. Not sure what from or really anything more than that. I just know I hate my life right now. From the controlling family to the feelings of wanting pain and the thoughts of trying to get away from the controlling influences that are all around me. I just want to be allowed to do things... like stay home from church just because I want to... without the judgmental sister asking why.
I have hopes and dreams but right now, I don't remember them, or even want to try and achieve them. Things like hobbies don't interest me anymore. Getting out of bed at a reasonable time doesn't happen anymore. Full conversations with my sister don't happen anymore. Partly due to her believing she doesn't have time for anything, yet she proves to me that she has the time, EVERYDAY!!! and doesn't do her side of this living configuration. It seems to me like part of my living with her is to take care of the apartment. This is not what life should be about. And then people ask me why I have been suicidal... DO you actually agree.... Not having control and not feeling like you have control really SUCKS!!!! Having a group of people say this is how to live doesn't help. Feeling sick doesn't help!!!! Wanting pain, physical pain, is only a small part of wanting the mental pain to just go away. I'm tired of this life, and there's nothing I can do to change this right now. I can't get myself 24 hour a day help, because I have other things going on that I have to be around for, because it seems like I have no CHOICE!!!!
If there is any reaction for any person that reads this, please post a comment. Suggestions are gladly taken at this point. It will show that someone out there actually cares.
Friday, August 16, 2013
Is this mental or physical???
Friday, August 9, 2013
So Here's my experiment, Tomorrow, I will limit sugar intake, and control my carbs. and see how I feel. If there is a change then I know I will have to limit sugar. Since tonight, I don't want to do much, and I just want to curly up and do nothing.
Monday, August 5, 2013
A part of Recovery
I have two reasons why I add this. For the physical activity, the simple reason is to improve my overall health, and with that I also need to control my sugar intake (it's a bit high... okay a lot high). As for the enjoyment part I have an audition that is coming up, very quickly and I need to prepare for this audition.
My reasons to keep in mind:
1) I need to decrease my weight, to change my cholesterol, and blood sugar.
2) I have an Audition on the 20th and I have to be ready
3) I just need to move on, and try and get away from the co-dependency issues that I have.
Even while writing this up I still want pain, still want to stay in this path, and just not change, but if I don't then I could be come obese, and I can't have that. I have pants that are NOT fitting right, and I want to change that before it is too late.
I know doing this for the right reasons won't be enough for me, so I have to do this will a little bit of positive reinforcements. But right now I can't think of anything good enough. If I do well on my audition and get into the group then I will take the time to watch a movie. As for my weight, I want to be able to do pushups without hitting the ground for longer than a half second. When I can do that, I can allow myself to get something from Hostess.
I now open myself to vulnerability, and allow myself to feel free.
Saturday, August 3, 2013
So I get home to that, and I feel really crappy, and start the spiral down. I wanted to SI, so I did. and I slept in, and didn't get things done. So then I SI'ed yet again. I tried to hang around people, but I want to SI yet again. I should be sleeping, but I'm still up and it's almost midnight. I want this pain to just end, I don't want to have to deal with the sister that is concerned more with her, then the rest of us.
I just wish that she would see the issues, but she's the broken one. But that fact is hard to remember.
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Up since 4am... and still up!!!!
Friday, July 26, 2013
I thought I could handle the cut, and the self injury.... and right now, I can't. It's interrupting sleep. I need sleep.... should sleep, but right now... things aren't good...I should sleep before work... need sleep but can't stop my mind.
Guess it's time to try meditation.....
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Positive Quotes
"A Year: From now you may wish you had Started Today"
~Karen Lamb
"The difference in wining and losing is most often..... Not Quitting"
~Walt Disney.
More later... time for me to sleep after being up for 17 hours... and then got to do the whole thing over again...
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Tears started to flow....
and flow...
and drop.........
memories have come up.....
issues have come
and NO ONE knows.....
NO one is really safe for me anymore.
I"m afraid, if I start to talk then people will start to be more concerned, and I just can't see that look in their eyes that says that.
I've had several thoughts that make the flashbacks, more real, and more about me. I'm going at this alone, and what I really need is a safe person around me and one that I can talk to about all things related to being bipolar. Where I can feel safe talking about just about anything, and have someone there for nights like tonight. Instead I just cry and hug a pillow, and come on here to see things out, before any other action is taken. AHHHHHHH
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Why answered....
And then there's a knock on the door. I really don't want to answer, so I don't. I just want to be alone...
It's been a very hard day for me. Two days before I was suicidal, and then after listening to music, things improved. Today before the session, I prepared by just getting ready for the day. Once I got there, I was early for one thing, but I was able to stay calm. Started to talk, and what it all came down to was this.
Co-dependence. Over the years I have had to rely on family members. There I said it. I used suicide and self-harm methods as a way to escape from the quilt of not doing what they wanted me to do.
After I returned from dinner. (a treat for the hard session) I started to hammer some nails in on the deck out back and one neighbor said don't do that I have a hang over... well that simple statement to me was hard to hear. and I became suicidal for a little bit.
The main thing now is to remember that I still have to talk with my family about all of this. I'm scared to talk about this issue with them.
Sorry no song today, just a huge answer for me. Now for the challenge of the rest of the night.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Day off.
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
After hearing about his suicide and not knowing him personally, I became very suicidal, but still had to continue to preform on the organ. Which I did but no one knew how much I was hurting, or how much I just wanted to be alone, and rethink things. For me, I've thought about suicide as a way out, but when asked why, I have a harder time answering that question.
I've hunted for an answer as to why? Asked that same question many times. I'm reminded of the whole control issues that have come up, and all I can think of is just wanting a way out of everything. Wanting control, but also not wanting responsibility, feeling like I'm nothing, and not wanting to press forward. I haven't really been talking to too many people lately, and........................................................................................................
WHY??? Why live, why feel anything, why not just give up, why try, why do anything. I have believed all of my life that we have "FREE" agency, and now I start to doubt that we really even have agency. I did what ever I wanted to on that trip, It was for ME!!!! and now 8 years later I am doubting everything!!!!!!!!!!! For one major reason, I have looked for a reason behind the suicidal thoughts and haven't found a reason, so I blamed my parents, and created a delusion. Control was taken from me when I attempted to go to college, when I was suspended for being on the wrong medication. Losing that control that I had because of what?????????
I'm Very VERY Frustrated right now because I'm slowly starting to see that NOTHING MAKES ANY SENSE!!!! I don't have much drive towards life anymore, I'm extremely depressed... without any reason to feeling this way, except brain chemistry.
WHY??? Now I am fearful, and not wanting to live. Seeking a way out and away from the future.
I was never the best at anything, always second chair for my section, always thinking that I can't run like others, never pushing myself to do better, to be better, and being told to just do your best, and that's good enough. Never BEING pushed to find a greater potential. Always believing that no matter what I would be loved, and cared for. Always every so often changing my room. Never pushed into doing things that I may not have done. Never knowing who I could be, always starting things and rarely finishing them. Always seeing the worst in different outcomes.
WHY??? Because I knew the truth, that I didn't want a life outside... but outside of what????
I don't know tonight, and I'm more frustrated than anything right now.
This life doesn't make sense. 8 years ago I started down this path of self-destruction, I stopped writing in a journal, stopped being religious, stopped practicing clarinet 6 days a week, and left a piece of me in Nauvoo. Then almost as if I knew something would happen, September 1 I lost my first job because of losing the lease on the spot that the business occupied. So what happened July 4, 2005, What happened July 6, 2005, What happened September 1, 2005, What happened June 6, 2006, What happened during those days. Now it's almost July 10, 2013, and all I want to do is find a way to make the suicide plan a reality, to escape from all of the pain, from LOSING my first job, first boy friend, first time of having clarity.
In the back ground I have The Fray on and it fits all to well.... I'm trying hard tonight to not lose my head, trying to figure out why I've held on for this long. It's been 8 years of struggle, and I have one degree to show for it, and 4 hospitalizations, and 4 different schools, and many medications later. I have tried to find may way out, and all boxing up all of my emotions and just trying to not be found..... And then the next song comes on, "Enough for now" And that's enough for tonight. I can't handle anything more than this right now.
All we know is distance We're close and then we run Kiss away the difference I know you hate this one
Trying not to lose your own
All we know is distance We're close and then we run Kiss away the difference I know you hate this one
But this is how the story ends
The violins make no sound
All we know is distance We're close and then we run Kiss away the difference I know you hate this one
But this is where the story ends Or have we just begun To kiss away the difference? I know you hate this one [ From: ]
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Not the best thing but that's why it's called an addiction. I guess I wanted some form of punishment for spending a lot, but it was worth it. Now I just have to put it behind me, and try again tomorrow.... I'll eventually be pain free.... eventually.
Friday, July 5, 2013
Summer Assignment... AHHHHH
I have been playing the Organ, but one instrument is not enough for me. But with the depression and all the things that I have learned about in the past few days, this is starting to be too much. Okay so I have to start feeling like I want to play 3 hours of music everyday... I'm not there yet. I have new neighbors and I'm not sure how they will react to a clarinet being played for 2 hours during the day. Or my other option is to practice where the Organ is that I use.
It's a lot of music to go through, I should.... oh wait should, that's not a power statement... It's a painful statement. I feel scared, and concerned about how the neighbors will react. I just don't feel like me right now.
I just want to scream right now. with all the stuff that is going on. It's days like these that lead me to the dark-side.
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Almost 11pm
So far so good, but still having issues. Had to stop working on the puzzle because my back was hurting.
Fourth of July
I was trying to decrease the issues with this day, so I cleaned the oven. Now it's clean, and I"m on a roll with my 1000 piece puzzle... I"m doing all I can to stay sane.
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
That went well.... NOT!!! So much for a happy ending today
Normally I wouldn't recommend this for anyone, but it seems like I have no choice. What's worse is with this the suicidal thoughts are high... Another song comes to mind, by Avril Lavigne called My Happy Ending.
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...
Let's talk this over
It's not like we're dead
Was it something I did?
Was it something You said?
Don't leave me hanging
In a city so dead
Held up so high
On such a breakable thread
You were all the things I thought I knew
And I thought we could be
You were everything, everything that I wanted
We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it
And all of the memories, so close to me, just fade away
All this time you were pretending
So much for my happy ending
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...
You've got your dumb friends
I know what they say
They tell you I'm difficult
But so are they
But they don't know me
Do they even know you?
All the things you hide from me
All the stuff that you do [radio edited version]
You were all the things I thought I knew
And I thought we could be
It's nice to know that you were there
Thanks for acting like you cared
And making me feel like I was the only one
It's nice to know we had it all
Thanks for watching as I fall
And letting me know we were done
[Chorus x2]
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...
So much for my happy ending
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...
A Thousand Years and No Surprise
Regarding the control issue. I always felt helpless and jealous of others' abilities, and wanted a way out of the Resource room. Felt helpless and hopeless that things wouldn't change. I've carried that core belief for years. And now I am in a bind tonight. After feeling all of that today, I just don't want to feel anymore, I just want away out of all of the pain and constant chatter. The constant chatter of you're not thin enough, not pretty enough, not talented enough, not..... just not important. Seeing that on screen hurts. I just want to erase that... in some hope that it's not true. I have doubts about all of this, I always have. And again I'm not sure how brave I can be, or if this one step is closer to what I want.
What do I want????? Right now I just want the crickets to just stop making noise. I want to lose 20 pounds. I want to not have to deal with control issues and feeling powerless. I want someone to talk to, to just release everything, and not just little bits at a time. I want family that doesn't drag me down. I want to not have to be so concerned about everyone else, and to just have the freedom to be me, and to know who that really is anymore. I want to feel like there is meaning and purpose to life. I want to not have to fight against myself to find things to do and enjoy my musical talent. I want complete freedom!!!!!
"Look what you have done to me" (You don't belong by Daughtry) Why is that so hard to understand, but I have learned that confrontation should be avoided like it's the plague. Like anger can not be expressed because it's not something that should be seen. Like every negative emotion must be kept to oneself. That trust can never happen, because if you trust then something bad is going to happen.
And then the next Daughtry song comes on. No Surprise. " I won't be here tomorrow I can't believe that I stayed till today There's nothing here in this heart left to borrow There's nothing here in this soul left to say Don't be surprised when we hate this tomorrow God knows we tried to find an easier way Yeah, you and I will be a tough act to follow But I know in time we'll find this was no surprise" I just want today to be over, but there really was no surprise.
A Thousand Years
Heart beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave
How can I love when I'm afraid
To fall
But watching you stand alone
All of my doubt
Suddenly goes away somehow
One step closer
(Chorus) I have died everyday waiting for you Darlin' don't be afraid I have loved you for a Thousand years I'll love you for a Thousand more
(Verse 2) Time stands still beauty in all she is I will be brave I will not let anything Take away What's standing in front of me Every breath, Every hour has come to this
One step closer
(Chorus) I have died everyday Waiting for you Darlin' don't be afraid I have loved you for a Thousand years I'll love you for a Thousand more
And all along I believed I would find you Time has brought Your heart to me I have loved you for a Thousand years I'll love you for a Thousand more
One step closer One step closer
(Chorus) I have died everyday Waiting for you Darlin' don't be afraid, I have loved you for a Thousand years I'll love you for a Thousand more
And all along I believed I would find you Time has brought Your heart to me I have loved you for a Thousand years I'll love you for a Thousand more
No Surprise
Not wrapping this in ribbons Shouldn't have to give a reason why
It's no surprise, I won't be here tomorrow I can't believe that I stayed till today Yeah, you and I will be a tough act to follow But I know in time we'll find this was no surprise
It came out like a river once I let it out When I thought that I wouldn't know how Held onto it forever just pushing it down Felt so good to let go of it now
Not wrapping this in ribbons Shouldn't have to give a reason why
It's no surprise I won't be here tomorrow I can't believe that I stayed till today There's nothing here in this heart left to borrow There's nothing here in this soul left to say Don't be surprised when we hate this tomorrow God knows we tried to find an easier way Yeah, you and I will be a tough act to follow But I know in time we'll find this was no surprise
Our favorite place we used to go The warm embrace that no one knows The loving look that's left your eyes That's why this comes as no, as no surprise
If I could see the future and how this plays out I bet it's better than where we are now But after going through this It's easier to see the reason why
It's no surprise, I won't be here tomorrow I can't believe that I stayed till today Yeah, you and I will be a tough act to follow But I know in time we'll find this was no surprise
Our favorite place we used to go The warm embrace that no one knows The loving look that's left your eyes But I know in time we'll find this was no surprise
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
I was taught all my life that makeup was War Paint, and that I should never put it on. The assignment is to challenge that core believe and find a look that works for me, that helps to end that core believe. So in preparation I have liked eye shadow, but it never really stays on, and therefore I just haven't put it on every day. And also my job doesn't help with that one... odd hours at the crack of Dawn. For tomorrow the assignment is simple, try makeup and leave my hair down and do something with it.
It's simple for some girls but for me, it's like I'm going into battle, hence the war paint comment. I've always had the belief that makeup is for those that need it, and that natural beauty doesn't really need it... meaning, I don't need it, and should never try it. When I was in High School, I thought about trying it but never knew where to look, or what to buy. In an off track semester I had asked a friend to come with me to buy makeup... and the next day I returned the foundation, and a few other things. In the next few months after that, I had a roommate that let me try mascara. And I'll admit that I did like it, but never gave myself permission to wear it often (Special days only). In months after that (okay 3 years after), I have found eye shadow but it never really stayed on, so I just haven't used it. Now, I have looked up videos on youtube to see how to apply. Tomorrow morning I will try and see if I can make it look good.
But at the same time, I'm fighting myself because of what I heard from my father about his experience in makeup before a theater Performance, (the cake it on type). My mom only wore lipstick and never really got into much more than that. My sister has tried makeup on but hasn't done it again... I think it's because of that one experience of my father's that no one really wore it on a daily basis.
I applied makeup when I got home, and bought a little bit. Once I got back from my errands, I washed it off... partly due to seeing a look in my sister's eye of disapproval. There I said it... it's all in the way my family looks at each other when makeup is applied... due to one time...
Now after years of disapproval from my father, I'm going to try and put makeup on.... and honestly emotionally I just want to reach for my addiction.. and other maladaptive coping skills. It's just overwhelming.
And at the same time I'm feeling fear of what if it doesn't look good, and what if my sister notices and has that look of disapproval. And then do I just wash it off afterwords so she doesn't see.
It's times like this that I wished that I lived on my own away from family and close friends.
All I can do is just blog and talk with others and give it a try. Now the other question... when do I want to cut my hair.... choices choices.
Monday, June 24, 2013
Just Leave me alone!
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
I was angry at myself for acting out on a coworker. I just can't stand all of her crap, and all of her talking about nothing, and knowing not to many are listening in a van full. I hid her 12x12 container in the back and then at a rest stop placed a piece of paper that stated this, "Please, either leave it at home if you are not going to use it, or use a smaller container, Thanks" (It's close to that anyway) I thought please and thank you would be enough to do it in a kind manner... well that play backfired. My coworker has been trying to find out who it was, and I just kept my mouth shut. Earlier she had been asked to put it in the back, while we all knew that most of us would sleep. She failed to do that. So I took matters into my own hand and hid it from her and placed that note in there. Now I feel like I have to either keep my mouth shut, or talk to her about shrinking what she takes to work. There's anywhere from 3 to 7 people in a van and there's not enough room for everyone to have two bags. The point of it was just to reduce clutter and point out that space is limited.
It's that simple.
But now the coworker wants to know who it was, and has been asking.
Before writing this, I did relapse. I was frustrated with the fact that I have gained 6 pounds, in 4 weeks. When I started college I was 120 lbs, and now I am 170 lbs. 50 lbs difference. and my clothing doesn't fit right. Now I"m on a plan to work out everyday for 15-30 minutes, and to start running.
I know things have to change, and when the time is right, I may talk with said coworker. But to be honest, does it matter, if the problem has now gone away. It's almost like saying move on to the coworker... but she does not forget things like this... just holds a grudge. And I don't care for how much she talks, and most of the time it's to no one in the van.
But for tonight, I will try not to go insane, and stay up for as long as I can to prepare for work tomorrow.
Monday, May 27, 2013
Memorial Day
Besides that, today has brought a new 9 cubby bookcase, and trying to organize my room... clearing up the clutter. I'm trying to focus on other things. besides what I need to do physically and mentally.
Physically I need to lose a few pounds, and mentally I need to not hide from what is going on. I am very irritated with who I have to deal with for a work overnight trip. I just hope I can stand a certain person, or I will just try and hide from her... please let the person to want to room with that person I can't stand. And because my boss is going out of town, there are very few hours. I have a few projects to work on, to avoid working on what is mentally happening, and have happened.
Tomorrow, I will be talking with my therapist. What will be said or worked on ... I don't know... but I am glad I'm not doing all of this on my own.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
I realized something this week. I tried something new. and it worked.
I haven't been as suicidal but at the same time, I just don't want to do much for myself anymore. and that includes going to bed before midnight, and then waking up at 9am, then falling asleep on the couch. I know part of that is the depression talking. Okay, all of that is true.
I now will get ready to sleep, and then wake up at 7am (no staying on couch afterwards) meaning start doing something... working out, reading a book or just do something.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
... trying to stay up and write a paper
One of those days
I have all of this stuff to do, and now it's almost impossible for me to do something simple...
What really is going on right now??
I'm stressed, and I feel it from many people around me. I realize that my head is feeling that pressure, that often comes before and after an anxiety attack. My time management skills are not working. I have a paper that is due tonight... I should be working on that, not attempting to practice...
With all of that going on, I want suicide. I've been thinking about it most of the day, because nothing is going right... SCREAM!!!!! How am I suppose to study, or do anything with thoughts of suicide in my head... the main thought is to overdose... but I know that the amount I have with me is not enough. It would just lead to letting people know that things are getting bad... REALLY BAD... Main instinct to keep going is the only thing that keeps me doing things... yet at the same time I want help... but I don't.. I really hate things right now... Please let me out of this brain... it hurts too bad.
Monday, April 15, 2013
Three Paper week.... plus recovery work
The end of the semester with thoughts of suicide, wanting to watch Netflix and other media, and over all tiredness. What I want most of all, I have to resit. Addiction is very difficult to get away from, and sometimes it feels impossible. Today is one of those impossible days, but I do know that there has to be something better out there then what I know currently and that thought keeps me going for a few more hours. Sleep is important right now, but so is getting these papers done. What's more important is to feel like you are doing okay. Simple fact, my head feels cloudy, and that feeling gets me ever closer to suicide. What pulls in the other direction? Right now, it's the pain, physical and mental that I'd have to go through to actually commit suicide. I'm determined to not let suicide get to me. Yet at the same time that desire to life is a bit smaller, and harder to see part of the time.
I have work to get done, so I will sleep now, then get up at 7am (when I start to hear weird noises) then I'll get up and start by writing. This first paper is on personality, and using the approaches that we discussed in class. I'll at least get a rough draft turned in, then I can re work parts later. Simple right.... then try adding my head in to the mix... Scream!!
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Logic, Emotional, or Both. I'll Try
The other thing he said was control is really just an illusion. I'm not so sure on that part, the follow up question is why do I want control so bad? Is there a way to get away from having to feel like control is the only thing that would help.
I can take care of myself.
I mustn't let them down now-
Mustn't let them see me cry.
I'm fine.
I'm fine.
I'm too tired to listen.
I don't know where to turn.
I can't leave you waiting,
But I cant stay and watch the city burn;
Watch it burn.
The distance in between:
The love I feel,
The things I fear,
'Cause I finally believe!
I'll try,
'Cause I see where you see!
I'll try.
The day a door is closed,
The echo's fill your soul.
They wont say which way to go,
Just trust your heart.
To find what you're here for,
Open another door.
I'm not sure anymore.
It's just so hard.
Voices in my head,
Tell me they know best!
Got me on the edge,
they're pushin', pushin',
they're pushin'
I know they've got a plan,
but the ball's in my hands!
This time its man-to-man,
I'm driving, fightin', inside a,
And spinning faster
What do I do now? without you!
I'm kickin' down the walls.
I gotta make 'em fall!
Just break through 'em all!
I'm punchin', crashin', I'm gonna
Fight to find myself,
Me and no one else!
Which way I can't tell,
I want my own dream. So bad I'm gonna Scream!