This is one of those complaining times. I finally got sleep, and then I get to work, and there's 5 of us for a grocery store. Then later more show up.... and there is a second store...... and having dizziness doesn't help. I felt as if was going to pass out while on a ladder. Luckily that didn't happen, I took it slow.... but this is getting annoying. I wish we were done... I want a new job but I'm not quite ready.
Monday, December 29, 2014
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
50 ways to escape
1. Read a fictional novel
2. Play a game on my phone
3. Listen to music
4. Exercise
5. Play an instrument
6. Watch a movie
7. Leave the room
8. Put a puzzle together
9. Journal
10. Blog
11. Cook
12. Make a snowflake, crochet
13. Work on ear training
14. Use Calm, a meditation app
15. Draw
16. Call a friend
17. Get on Facebook, chat
18. Eat something mindfully
19. Clean
20. Go for a drive
21. Listen to an audio book
22. Visualization
23. Talk a walk
24. Window shop
25. Dance
26. Take random pictures
27. Study a topic of interest
28. Write a fictional story
29. Eat chocolate
30. What are you grateful for List
31. Look at Pinterest
32. View YouTube videos
33. Take a bath
I need 17 more... time to look at the internet for more.... I need ideas!!!!
34. Find Jokes/ something to laugh at
35. Look out a window... find something random
36. Serve others
37. Make a random list
38. Create a random melody
39. Plan a night out
40. Choose a number add/subtract to 0, if possible
41. Squeeze a stress ball
42. Progressive muscle release
43. List strengths
6 more...... maybe tomorrow.
44. Read scriptures
45. Pray
46. Stretch
47. Do something that scares you, speak up to others
48. Identify cognitive distortions used in the last hour
49. Drink cold water
50. Challenge a fear
And there's no repeats!! that was a challenge to come up with but now I will have access to this list and it's practical for me, and I hope for others. Enjoy!
Sunday, December 21, 2014
I started a new med and I have had insomnia, only getting 4 to 6 hours of sleep. I attempt to sleep by 11 pm but normally I fall asleep 1 to 3 hours later. Then waking up by 3 to 6 am. I'm hoping this changes soon..... but its not just the new med, it PTSD as well. Nights are hard, with flashbacks and nightmares. My muscles in my neck are very sore... and tense. Which doesn't help the sleep aspect. But what really is the point?
I've had several flashbacks to my first hospitalization. It was 6 years ago today, and same day of the week.... which doesn't help. I remember feelings of am I going to be here for Christmas? And wondering what I could do to get out. I had a panic attack and suicidal thoughts, I was scared, I reached out for help. I talked with different people. .... then had to be picked up by my parents because I was so anxious. I remember it and don't want it to happen today..... one reason for me being so scared.
Another part of this is I've been struggling spiritually as well..... I keep wondering why I have to go through trauma, from bomb threats to being kicked out of a church school for anxiety attacks, and wanting to die at so many times over the past few years, to having been hospitalized 5 times between November to February, oh and who can forget the many anxiety attacks. I normally don't talk about the spiritual side of things because why do I have too! I'm scared and frustrated and comfort is not easy. Feeling connected to a God that allows for this to happen to me, let alone allowing it to happen to countless others. Yet, I know that there is some love behind allowing us to struggle. I know that there is something to learn, but I feel so alone!
My muscles in my neck hurt, by body is tired, and my mind.... is being affected. I have a headache that is not helping me think straight. I just want to stay home.... and do nothing. .... any way to not go into a flashback. I know today maybe hard, but I'm facing it head on.... that's all I can do.
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Undergrad exams done!!
30 minutes
One hour
Computer restarting....
Then it turns on and I see this>

A Perfect reminder at what I need to stop doing... but how... oh wait just do it... Freaking out does not help but... oh wait that's an excuse. Just like having a headache and not doing a thing about it. I'm learning more than just my classes!!!
Last final for undergrad...
Life is work, hard, consistent work.
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Good Morning
I'm at the end of my program and almost done. I've been fixed on the past, like grades and what happened last time I was on a medication, and the things that happened in the past. The second half seems relevant to what is happening now. I can do well on these exams but I need to put the time and the effort into passing those last round of exams. I have lots to do, and must focus. I can do this!!
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Soo much to do.... where to start.....
Done so far.... (the short list)
HP(health psychology) Lecture (L) 17
HP L 18
Working on L19
TO do!!! (condensed)
HP L 20-25
Science and Pseudoscience 10 Lecture videos to study and look at all the material and the instructor was no help on where to focus my study.....
Clinical Psych and Law..... look at Exam 2... and the study guide with classes 9-15 (and this final is all short answer... must know everything)
That's three weeks of material or more in less than a week.... ya so freaking out!!! not enough time!!!
Oh and deal with flashbacks of prior degree and last 3 weeks.. ya PTSD so not fun. MDD not fun either.... this sucks....
Oh and that's only 9 credits but it feels more.... AHHHHHHH Must throw something!!! I'm so not calm and can't focus too well... and I need to just power through this.... how..... ahhhhhh
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Putting people to the test....
That test being, are you really listening, or are you just ignoring what is being said. And the test came back, 2 listen and one continues to ignore. We'll see if this changes things.
I'm still struggling, my back hurts, lip hurts, and still trying to deal with hallucinations and past memories. I just wonder can I sleep? I'm so anxious and in pain, and my mind is still fully awake. Except sleep is a needed thing for finals week.... I mean the week before..... there's so much to get done. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh
Thursday, December 4, 2014
I like your Idea BUT....
I stood up to her, yet I feel like crap afterwards. I've requested a parent meeting to talk about said sister.
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
2-3 hours at a time.... and yet I have classes to catch up on.... TRIGGER WARNING
I get about 2-3 hours that I can be upright.. I'm hoping that I can expand that but I have to be careful.. I just hope I sleep well. Last night I woke up about 4 am in pain, then after about a half hour I could fall back asleep. It is easier to wake up though which is good... and then I sneeze and got dizzy. I so need to fall asleep. and I think I'm ready too. This is not the post I started out writing as I wrote the title but oh well.
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Long day
I need to call for help quicker. I did go into the er for back spasms and dizzy, along with anxiety. I did what I could at home. I got passed the social worker with a plan to see people tomorrow. And its almost time for sleep after a really terrible day. May tomorrow be better.
Trigger warning
Do not read if you get triggered. But I got to get a few things out.
I was pulled over yesterday which didn't help. I was driving distracted by suicidal thoughts. I almost said hey can you give me a break I am suicidal. But that would have made things a lot worse. Since then I've thought of many methods, and it keeps getting worse. I'm not sure how long I can control my actions. I'm scared of asking for help. I'm scared of telling anyone the truth. I don't want to go back to the hospital and be without my phone. Yes u would be physical safe but not mentally. I've had to take ativan to control my mind. And will have to do it again. Is this the meds or the topic paper I was working on for the week? That's the question, and I don't have an answer.
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Friday, November 28, 2014
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Side effects
Started a new med and I feel nauseous. Oh and its thanksgiving. What a great combination. I sure hope it gets better soon!
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
I've been on a new med. Now its hard to stay focused. And it tends to create a headache. Not sure what to do.... and I have a 10 page paper to write. ....
Monday, November 24, 2014
My downstairs neighbor is playing guitar. .... and its almost midnight and I'm so not patient. Partly due to all the activity in my brain from a meditation change. ..... oh good it stopped.
Saturday, November 15, 2014
What's it like surviving..... post on
There's another thing that I worry about is the fact that I'm not as depressed but slightly happy, which is another read flag. I know that I have to seek out talking to another. I just have to, even if I don't want to. I have to talk to someone that is safe. Which means someone outside of my living situation. I should just call the crisis line and talk with my T but I really don't want to. This is a hard spot to be in, and I hate it.
Friday, November 14, 2014
Put on a smile....
Free Falling
Am I a child of God?
Why has He left me?
I know He has given me my life,
but why do I feel so alone?
Am I a child of God?
Why do I want to die?
Is this the path to choose?
Who can I, no where can I find help.
I've had a hard week and then I write this! I started to cry and still am. I never intended to write this. and no one knows in real life. I'm close to talking with T but don't to admit that this is getting bad, really quickly. There was a way to communicate with the rest of the class, anonymous. So I shared the first set. I was the only one that felt so alone..... Now I'm faced with a bigger issue. do I try and call my T to see if there is an opening, There's a part of me that says no. There's a part of me that says "don't be an idiot, ask for help"
I'm sitting at a computer trying to get things out of my head and I keep thinking I need to call the crisis line, but I just don't want to admit to myself that things are bad again. I don't want to talk about any of it. And that's another warning sign for me. I know things are bad, but typing it out is easier than trying to say that I need help. Even if I know that my T would trow a ball (a juggling ball, not hard) at me. Because I know all the warning signs for suicide. But I don't want to admit that things are bad again. Partly because I don't want help. I want to die. I can't keep going like this, and that's the other warning sign. Asking for help is a sign of weakness, and I thought I was past this. I thought things where going well. But their not and I just am having a hard time accepting this.
I am also studying suicide... which is another trigger for me... what the heck am I going to do???????????????? I can't even trust myself to tell myself the whole truth. How am I going to continue like this??? I hate life right now. and can't even reach out to say hey somethings going on and I need you here, right now.
Can't even figure out what has triggered me so much lately. Please.... thoughts... go far, far away. Then I can get things done.... or is that not going to help... I just don't know anymore.
Monday, November 10, 2014
Battle Scares by Guy Sebastian and Lupe Fiasco is playing on Pandora.... here's a few lines that fit right now.
"I wish I couldn't feel, I wish I couldn't love
I wish that I could stop cause it hurts so much
And I’m the only one that's trying to keep us together
When all of the signs say that I should forget her
I wish you weren’t the best, the best I ever had
I wish that the good outweighed the bad
Cause it’ll never be over, until you tell me it's over
These battle scars, don’t look like they’re fading
Don’t look like they’re ever going away
They ain't never gonna change
These battle "
It hits me that I have research to do. and all I keep thinking is of the incident last night. I live with my older sister and she has taken on some annoying characteristics. I asked her to turn of the light.. and she got defensive, that's not the only time that this has happened. I can't take this abuse anymore. I want out. It isn't right to be hurting this bad. Last week I had a memory pop into my head, and it never left. Its irritating, and not leaving quickly. I want to go and visit a school and she said no you can't go... I'm sorry but that's not how it works. You sis, can not control me. Not anymore. I have to confront her but I just can't deal with that and school right now. She doesn't understand that I'm not happy living with her... because I have had a few things fall by the way side and it's leaving me in a bad position.
She views me as BROKEN> I'm NOT broken. She doesn't get it. I have to get out of this life.. and then the suicidal urges/thoughts return and get stronger. I want to set a plan in action to get away from this all. I can't do it anymore. Let me out of here!!!!!! Then I realize I really need to talk to someone... but I don't want to.
I also told Doc that when I get angry that the suicidal thoughts get worse. What I failed to mention was I've been suicidal lately. and I just don't care anymore. Bring it on!!!
Here's a little more on my sister and what happened last night.
My sister is 8 yrs older and treating me like I'm broken. I can't take it anymore, I want an out. I've thought of writing a note to here to address bigger issues, but it also triggers me. I want to run but if I leave know she may judge me. And I'm still in a world of hurt, and trying to cry silently. This is no way to live. I'm not choosing to really live for me, but I make up reasons to live for others. .... which means my own needs are not being met. I wish I could call someone.
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Bad Day... I mean Week
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
I noticed today that I like to relax after a test and it puts me behind for the next. I need to use meditation to relax instead of wasting time. Especially to do well on the next exam.
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Distraction Please. Suicide mentioned. Read with discretion
I am calming down now.. music helps. still afraid of not knowing what would happen if I did call crisis line for T. I could talk to him directly but, I just don't want to deal with it. I have so much going on, lots to do.... an interview on Monday for a job... Lots of good stuff.. and then momentary trigger, but it's a good thing right? Okay, I'm ready to study now... Breathing helps.... I knew before that this class could be difficult.. but that's what I get for studying psychology. I'm okay now. level back at 1.
It still bugs me that I am still a hypocrite about calling a crisis line... I have in the past, or at least it was calling docs offices, or calling hospital but never a crisis line... Even if I know I can talk to my T relatively quickly... Yet if I just post here, it gives me that release of thought to continue on. Yet at the same time how can I recommend someone to call a crisis line if I can't call myself... It's not about pride... It's just I don't want to talk...
Rather, I don't want to feel uncomfortable, talking about suicide is very uncomfortable... but I don't want to continue to be a hypocrite...
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Never Being Good Enough
That's the wall that I want to break. Currently I am overweight. I haven't wanted to workout. This is important because I have not felt that I'm important.
Why I wanted Suicide so bad
~~ Fear of the future
~~ Fear of not being enough
~~ Fear of being imperfect
~~ Fear of leaving home
~~Fear of LIVING!!!!
Why I bring up the weight.... because I am afraid of the same thing as I want with why I wanted Suicide.
A little look with my study skills... I am still afraid that I'll fail, that I'm not good enough, that life is not worth living...
Now I know, what I am afraid of, and what I need to change, mentally.
Friday, October 17, 2014
Guilt, escape, Shame
I hate weakness, asking for help is weakness. Calling a crisis line is weakness. Admitting guilt is weakness. All of these things are weaknesses for me, some are irrational, others are normal.
Then the question is "how strong am I?" I'm attempting to deal with suicides through a research project, I have 5-10 sources to read on how media influences suicide clusters. It's an interesting topic, but I have to ask myself if I am in a crisis, would I call the crisis line? It's hypocritical for me to tell others to call, when I can't call myself. I can't call because, I don't want to interrupt what they are doing, I don't want to show weakness, I don't want to admit that I'm in trouble, I can't stand the fact that I don't know what would happen, and don't want to find out. Yet, I can't get that conversation out of my head. It's getting annoying. I have a lot to do, and don't need a distraction. I need to read quite a bit, and do a few more things. Yet I can't get this all out of my head. And I want to just not admit that my head is in a different place compared to the rest of me.
Thursday, October 9, 2014
This is all too much... kind of
It's been an interesting day, and this week I haven't been doing well. I thought I was... then I got reminded of one symptom of depression... hypersomnia. And I noticed that I was wanting to sleep too much and not wanting to do much, and that got me thinking, in a more depressed manor. I hate these realizations. And then I see the time and realize I can escape from this reality, through sleep. Like I said, this is all too much.
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
2 years of Behavioral Chaining
I told him that I slipped and that's how the above come out. It's weird now, knowing that its been like this. I thought it was strange but it left a smile on my face when ever I left the office. Now it seems different. Yesterday he brought up the MASH theme song. And played it several times. Which by the end I was a bit annoyed. I didn't want to hear it and be triggered. Then today, I went looking for it. and it's distracted me a bit.
Then again looking on youtube is not a good study skill. Guess I better get back to Competency to testify.
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
So close
I had my first round of tests, and this last test I thought I was doing well.. I guessed I was in the 80% range..... Then the score came up.... 68%. This just isn't good. I need to score higher, I'm frustrated because I know I could have done better, had I not been so suicidal. I wasted my time, and tried to hold on to life, that I'm not sure I want anymore. I have the potential to do great but I don't take every opportunity to do so. Then I get down on myself, and that doesn't help the situation. I have to find a way to get all three subjects in Every Single Day.
I just hope after the test closes, that I can review the exam and see what went wrong, and where to change my study habits.
I set a Goal of how many hours to study. 20 a week, but aiming for higher than that, and actually study.
What does this mean, it means, taking care of me faster, and cutting no essential things. And not being so hard on myself.
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Why so many triggers
Today has been filled with triggers. I found some strength today. I was triggered in front of a group, and still had to preform for them to sing to, I found a bit of strength to push those thoughts out of my mind. It was nice but then a whole bunch came. Had a disagreement happen with my sister and the crying helped to release some of that tension.
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Reaching for help
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Trying to get started this morning.
I don't want to conform to anyone, and if that person stops me, then I'm going to Kick them in the butt. I want my own life now, I wish that cloudy feeling would return, it made things easier.
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
You've made it so far
You're Stronger than you think
9 years of experience, of harboring suicidal thinking, and fighting that stickn' thinkin'. Today I discovered more about myself, and the horror thoughts that have occurred. As I was talking with my therapist today, he made a great point. Behaviorism is the belief that behavior has a specific purpose. The example he gave was: he had me put my good hand out, I didn't expect anything. Then his hand came down, hard on mine. He then asked if I wanted to put my hand out again, and I said no. Then we discussed the fact that suicide for me became an addiction, and now I'm on an extinction curve. This last bout is due to an extinction burst. It sounds simple, and it is, but it isn't.
Then he brought up a few group members an how much they look up to me because I'm the farthest along, the one that is closest to being whole. And how much it would hurt those in the group. Not to mention those that want me to call if things go south. Honestly that hurt a lot. made me think. I supposedly have all these things that are suppose to stop me, but there's a part of me that wants to ignore that. and He could see that. I had to believe that I was fine, and that I would be there for group on Thursday. It's like ignoring a part of me. I'm always pretending. Okay I need help. I'm not sure I can go bowling. But I have to. But I have homework. But I need help. I can't take this tonight. Why did I continue to watch this episode of Torchwood. Why do I keep doing this to myself. and then I start to scream inside. I should call someone. But I can't. I'm not suppose to be broken. I'm not broken. Then I hear music. and it distracts me for a few seconds. I'm not sure if I can even post this. I have a test to study for, but I just keep going over the session....... People would want a call, I should do something to stop the thoughts, change the behavior, change the situation. actually reach for help. Like I am suppose to. I can't take the guilt, all of that put on one person is just to much. Why did he have to keep going. to keep the guilt trip up. I have things to do and all I have done is watch Torchwood. I should want to go bowling. Yet, at the same time I don't want to. I've thought about seeing my psycho doc but have stopped, because I am suppose to be stronger then this. Then I keep getting chills of who knows what. I'm suppose to be stronger. When I left his office I promised that I would be there on Thursday.WHY??? why does it have to be like this?? I just want to cry, and no one should see me like this. I need to let this go.... FAST. I'm suppose to be stronger then the rest of the group, yet I don't believe it myself. Why is it that I don't believe this? And then suicide gets mentioned. Please let me escape from my mind. I should want to, but interacting with people is so hard.
Should I even post this??
The real answer game a while ago. and I need to just publish it anyway. Then may be I can get some feed back.
Monday, September 22, 2014
24 hours of cloudy feeling
Last 24 hours was great, felt like I was in a cloud but without feeling suicidal. I wish it could have lasted longer. I am blessed with people who care. Just not with work start time..... 5 am. And that will come fast. I still have a lot to study, just no will to study. I also found out that to jave my jaw in the correct place it will cost $5900 all up front. I'm freaking out about it. I just don't want to deal with pain.... on the way home I felt like speeding up and hitting a pole. Not where I want to be, and then those throughs distract me from studying. At least working will distract me completely.
Saturday, September 20, 2014
So little accomplished
Music, the only distraction
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
PInch me
I try to focus and my mind goes to what's going on. I know by know what warning signs to look for, and what not to tell a Mental Health Professional. I can work around that... Right now I just want to wake up from this night mare, and actually feel awake. Not sure how much of this I can take.
I'm 14 days clean, and the challenge that I was given is to make it to day 21.... But I want to just get rid of all this pain. I want an escape. Not just to fall asleep.
Monday, September 8, 2014
Almost there
Friday, August 22, 2014
Getting up
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Reaction to Robin Williams
"Comedian Robin Williams once told an interviewer that he struggled with depression, but hadn't been diagnosed with either "clinical depression" or bipolar disorder.
Williams, 63, who had been struggling with depression before his apparent suicide on Monday, told Terry Gross on the "Fresh Air" NPR radio show in 2006 that mania was something he imitated for characters he sometimes performed. But depression, he said, was more personal.
"Do I perform sometimes in a manic style? Yes," Williams said. "Am I manic all the time? No. Do I get sad? Oh yeah. Does it hit me hard? Oh yeah.""
End quote.
Why is that so many people HIDE from the rest of the world about their reality with mental illness. IS it something that we have to feel so much SHAME from? Is it because we feel like we could lose the confidence of some one we love? Is it that hard to say?
Those of us who feel shame because of what others think, and their judgements. STOP!!!
I was a little shocked but also know that Suicide is not caused by depression, it's a result. It's those that just can't take it anymore. When things get so bad that, suicide is the only way that is seen to get out of. I know this is the tricky subject, and their are many opinions, many reasons, and MANY people who give in to suicide. Their are many people who die, and everyone says that we look at what they achieved. Yes that's all fine but why not talk about what resources that there are for mental illness and when the dark times come. Please if you are reading this, spread the news that there are MANY people out there that are willing to help when living in your mind becomes difficult. There are many suicide hotlines in many parts of the world that are there for that that reason, to try and save a life.
What will Robin Williams miss?
* Family and Friends
* making people laugh
* and many more.
What will you miss IF you take your life? What will the WORLD miss if you can't be there to create amazing things?
Friday, June 13, 2014
I'm scared, but I can say that today I have read in a book, cleaned up a bit, and gone to the store, and working a dead end job. So today I have gotten things done. I hope to finish one book and start another. Partly because the book is due tomorrow at the library.
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Fear of the Future
It's been 8 years. So far I have failed to make it back to Illinois, like I said that I would. I have only one degree, and have been kicked out due to anxiety. I have had many times of suicidal thinking. I only have one degree to show for all my time in college and have one year left and then I'll have two.
Right now I just want to run, looking at this just brings on a lot more fear, stress, anxiety. Today has not been easy, with dealing with getting home at 4 am. I just need to vent. this is not been an easy day. I still need to apply for a position but I'm scared that it's not going to work... again fear of the future. I just want to run, and escape. But I do have work tomorrow. bright and early. oh joy.
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
A lot on my mind
Today I was able to put in one application and got some Resume' paper, and researched some places to try.
Then there's the conversation in therapy. I keep thinking about what purpose suicide has, besides escape of the current situation. I don't know that purpose, and it's driving me crazy.
I have another day that I could work but it means giving up the day after to recover from that work night. I am tempted to give it up, that way I can take care of me.
Then in regard to a different job I have to think about my hand and the very little weight that I can lift with it. and if the job has a lot of repetition then is my hand ready?! I've thought of fast food places but my hand isn't ready. What else can I do?
I've thought about fast food, but that doesn't seem to fit right. I've thought about a home aid or developmental disability worker/PSR. I just don't know. What else is there that's easy to get into. I just don't know.
"one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."
Saturday, May 3, 2014
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Monday, April 14, 2014
Friday, April 11, 2014
WORST month so far this year
Monday, March 31, 2014
Thursday, March 6, 2014
All TOO much
I look over and see that detector, and resent it. I need to study but feeling like crap just doesn't help. Seeing a newspaper about the deaths is something that I wish that I never saw. This is all just too much.
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
There is such a thing as too much sugar
Before the binge, there was a reason, I was hungry didn't know what I want. Besides that, I was scared about sharing thins at MRT last night. I got through it, but with a headache.
I have had to much sugar, and I have to find some other way to cope besides eating sugar.
Friday, February 28, 2014
I had a frustrating group meeting where no one was communicating. I tried to lead and that wasn't working. Then another group member took over, and I felt worthless. Will I ever be a leader, will people listen to me, will I feel like I can come out of my family's hole, will I ever feel strong enough to be one my own, and not be afraid??? Will I be social enough to find a spouse?
Then I hear others saying, well then give it a shot and do something about it. Be bold, and willing to do anything, even if you fail. Then the other me comes out and says no don't do that, it's not worth it to do that, it's easier to be in someone's shadow, and it's not as anxiety provoking.
With this type of thought process, its' no wonder why I have depression.
Then my screen goes white and I'm not sure why it keeps doing that?! Then I highlight it and it comes to life again.
Besides that I have taken only one trip on my own, except for when driving back and forth from university. Normally someone is with me. I have taken one trip that I was the driver for and one trip with another friend without having to drive. Other than that, I don't take trips alone.
It seems like someone around me has to dictate if I go on a trip, I just don't plan. My motivations to do things has been falling because I feel not in control of my life. No wonder why I feel depressed. I have to make a stand sometimes or I'll continue to feel this same way, day after day, after day. But the question is how?
When I feel helpless, I shut down. I know that about me, and it's hard to reengage after a set back or a positive one (a bit of a pause between things). The other thing, is I just can't get up and out of bed because I don't want to feel like I have to do what is expected of me. I want to be free to be me, and not have to worry about what others' think. I hate it, and I wish I could change ... I wish I could just through out the worry behind what others' think. I hate it and I know it needs to change, but I let it happen.
That's it, I let it happen. Again, I'm thinking of the song "Let it go" from Frozen, I feel sheltered, protected, from myself. I want to be able to just let it go, and not worry about other people. And then the worries come, but at least I know what they are from... finally.
Monday, February 24, 2014
Rant on healthcare in the United States
My advice, never go through the exchange. Find an independent company that will have the authority to change things as needed, if it arises.
On to something else, I wont have insurance for 17 days in March..... I sure hope I can return to work soon!!!
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Not wanting to.....
Practice as much as I can given my hand
2 hour informational meeting about organ
That's it...... so now that it's almost 10pm on Saturday night.
I haven't wanted to do much today, and I am beating myself up about it.
I also missed my meds this morning, which has lead to many thoughts...... of unwanted origin.
And then my computer does this weird thing where it blacks out what I've written and my other tools to write the post.
I have this amazing opportunity but feeling the way I feel makes me not want to take this opportunity. Because of the lack of stuff that I got done today. I know I should feel somewhat accomplished by getting two items off my list but it just makes me feel worse.
I should do this, or that.... why does there have to be such a stigma associated with......
Now that it's midnight... I got a bit more done....a small amount but now it's time for bed. I feel like crap. I just don't want to sleep, yet my body is saying that I need to. The only thing that I can think of is just to read a good book, and hope that it helps.
Friday, February 21, 2014
Too Much to do... and not much will to do it
2 counterpoints for music theory
Read 4 chapeters and take notes to learn something
Play with a virtual rat for 2.5 hours
watch 2-4 hours of lectures and take notes
Practice as much as I can given my hand
2 hour informational meeting about organ
Go over some things for MRT
Exercise to help remain in control
Introduction for my research paper
Practice aural skills
mmm am I missing anything.... I sure hope not...besides this
Do a good portion before Monday.... and not go insane...
Thursday, February 20, 2014
The right track but......
For group today, I realized something. My go to emotion when things are strange, crazy, or I just don't want to talk about it, is a roller-coaster. Which doesn't tell you too much, besides the fact that life is just not going my way.
I want these memories to just disappear so I can study, and actually do something to not get behind. Also, it feels like my head is no longer connected to the rest of me, and it's getting worse. It's times like this that I normally turn to the suicidal thinking. I'm trying not to, but it's always my go to state.... But even though this is all happening, I still have to play through rehearsal.... even if I'm just ghosting due to swelling. I shouldn't even go because of that fact but I feel like I have to... I really hate this. GRRRR
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Stress and Aural Skills
Friday, February 14, 2014
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Let it Go..... more thoughts
I've been hurt by my family, by hiding si, hiding depression, hiding every negative thought. It doesn't bother me but the withdrawal of those around me has affected my relationships. Because of all the shame, I hide EVERYTHING. This song helps me to just let it go, not caring what people think. I still want to hide but I realize that mental things have caused some problems with those around me.
I keep playing the song hoping that I will be able to just let things go, and not give into any urges. But the storm is all around me. "Conceal don't feel.... I don't care what they are going to say" I just hope that last part can come true for me, that I can trust in myself to be able to see what I can achieve.
Monday, January 27, 2014
Let It Go
Not a footprint to be seen
A kingdom of isolation,
And it looks like I’m the Queen.
The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside
Couldn’t keep it in, heaven knows I tried
Don’t let them in, don’t let them see
Be the good girl you always have to be
Conceal, don’t feel, don’t let them know
Well, now they know
Let it go, let it go
Can’t hold it back anymore
Let it go, let it go
Turn away and slam the door
I don’t care
What they’re going to say
Let the storm rage on,
The cold never bothered me anyway
It’s funny how some distance
Makes everything seem small
And the fears that once controlled me
Can’t get to me at all
It’s time to see what I can do
To test the limits and break through
No right, no wrong, no rules for me
I’m free
I am one with the wind and sky
Let it go, let it go
You’ll never see me cry
Here I stand
And here I'll stay
Let the storm rage on
My power flurries through the air into the ground
My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around
And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast
I’m never going back,
The past is in the past
Let it go, let it go
When I'll rise like the break of dawn
Let it go, let it go
That perfect girl is gone
Here I stand
In the light of day
Let the storm rage on,
The cold never bothered me anyway
Pain and stress
I've seen my hand in pale color to really dark but not the same as the other hand which is a problem. I'll get to see my doctor about it to see what's going on. and Have I mentioned the 17 credits that are hanging over my head. Not to mention all of the extra stuff to keep me mentally sane. and I still need to do theory homework, which is in like 30 minutes. I'll admit I am a procrastinator. Today I just want to scream since I didn't sleep well due to pain. oh and I have someone in front of me that has volume up on a phone watching something and it's bugging me. please just let today go well with all of the appointments.... (teeth and hand and group)
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Monday, January 20, 2014
Long, LONG day
So here I am typing and silently crying, just trying to get away from all of the pain. Then my mind goes to suicide and my addiction. I tried talking but it's just to painful. I don't want to go to class tomorrow..... especially don't want to perform when all hell is breaking loose. I just want to smash a ball and pretend it's my family and back-stabbing friend. I'm not even sure how much sleep will actually be good tonight. Going to sleep with all of this pain just doesn't seem right. I have lots to study and to do.... I want out..... but tonight there is not a way to run from all of this. The more I try to hide, the worse it gets..... and tonight it's all too much. I just hope tomorrow is a better day, because today really sucked.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
3 days into school
Honestly, tonight has been hard. I feel like screaming and yelling. Once again my sister/roommate has moved my meds. I don't know if she moved them, except for the fact that I apparently didn't move them fast enough.... meaning right when I got them............
This is one reason that I get so angry, but that's not the only reason. I'm feeling ou of control tonight. I went to a class and I felt like running away. ... then as I was driving I had a moment of suicide thoughts. I almost wish I could run away tonight from even saying that.
I just want to run from what I have done, but I can't change the past. I can't even change my living situation. Knowing that doesn't help tonight. Maybe reading a book will let me escape for 20 minutes.
Saturday, January 4, 2014
Normal emotions
Frustration is a normal emotion.... just not in my world. Its something evil that should be avoided. That's what my family thinks. So if frustration is felt then one side shuts up and states something about it. Thats all well and good except for me. I don't want people to shut up, and then I feel shame because of it if I continue to talk. It's a protection mechanism that should not exist. Frustration is NORMAL, let it out. Its not evil, its something to be grateful for and accepted, not shamed.
The fact that I post on here about this is because I do don't feel comfortable talking about this with the actual person because of its all about her.... I'm the broken one anyway. ... and this is a trigger for me.