Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day

For memorial day, I was able to place flowers on my Grandparents graves. I am grateful for those that have served and are serving.

Besides that, today has brought a new 9 cubby bookcase, and trying to organize my room... clearing up the clutter. I'm trying to focus on other things. besides what I need to do physically and mentally.

Physically I need to lose a few pounds, and mentally I need to not hide from what is going on. I am very irritated with  who I have to deal with for a work overnight trip. I just hope I can stand a certain person, or I will just try and hide from her... please let the person to want to room with that person I can't stand. And because my boss is going out of town, there are very few hours. I have a few projects to work on, to avoid working on what is mentally happening, and have happened.

Tomorrow, I will be talking with my therapist. What will be said or worked on ... I don't know... but I am glad I'm not doing all of this on my own. 

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