Sunday, September 20, 2015


I finally confessed to the addiction and how serious it got with a trusted friend. Now I'm saying what was I thinking??? What have I done? Will this ruin my family life, or can I continue to hide from them?? This particular addiction is one of secrets, like most addictions but at the same time, it's not well understood either. I think we have some things wrong with how society works today. And I'm calling it B.S.!!!! We used to have this society that we all worked and we all had a purpose. Now we all search for our purpose in life. At least in Developed Countries!! It has come down to this, we as a people are not as busy as we need to be to stay away form addictive patterns.

As Say Something is playing.....I have to speak out, we have to change our people will give up on themselves!!!!!!!

"I will swallow my pride, Your the one that I love, and I'm saying Good Bye!!!!"

Good bye old life of addiction. I can't deal with you anymore. I have to put some clear boundaries up. I have to be the strong one!!

The next question, is am I determined enough???

Now the ramifications... I could be disciplined for these choices, and that could look like anything, and frankly I'm FREAKING OUT!!!! Once I left the office I had to calm down, from thinking, what the heck did I do?? It took me a bit but then I was able to drive home. Then came time for something I believe I should have been too... and I couldn't go. I had to make up an excuse of not having enough gas money. Which is totally TRUE!!! So I started to write this out, hoping that it would get the words out, enough for me to move on and continue with something that is exciting, like was suggested. I'm trying to do something creative as well but I just don't want to. I don't want to do this, and it's starting to scare me. What did I do?? Was this the right decision?????

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