Tuesday, December 23, 2014

50 ways to escape

The flight-or-fight response has become a problem.... and I've been given a challenge to find 50 ways to escape and I'm posting them here... for others and for personal reference. Oh and it can't be watch this show, or read a specific book..... This is hard!! Oh and no using already made up lists. Also they must be positive coping skills... no maladaptive skills.

1. Read a fictional novel
2. Play a game on my phone
3. Listen to music
4. Exercise
5. Play an instrument
6. Watch a movie
7. Leave the room
8. Put a puzzle together
9. Journal
10. Blog
11. Cook
12. Make a snowflake, crochet
13. Work on ear training
14. Use Calm, a meditation app
15. Draw
16. Call a friend
17. Get on Facebook, chat
18. Eat something mindfully
19. Clean
20. Go for a drive
21. Listen to an audio book
22. Visualization
23. Talk a walk
24. Window shop
25. Dance
26. Take  random pictures
27. Study a topic of interest
28. Write a fictional story
29. Eat chocolate
30. What are you grateful for List
31. Look at Pinterest
32. View YouTube videos
33.  Take a bath

I need 17 more... time to look at the internet for more.... I need ideas!!!!

34. Find Jokes/ something to laugh at
35. Look out a window... find something random
36. Serve others
37. Make a random list
38. Create a random melody
39. Plan a night out
40. Choose a number add/subtract to 0, if possible
41. Squeeze a stress ball
42. Progressive muscle release
43. List strengths

6 more...... maybe tomorrow.

44. Read scriptures
45. Pray
46. Stretch
47. Do something that scares you, speak up to others
48. Identify cognitive distortions used in the last hour
49. Drink cold water
50. Challenge a fear

And there's no repeats!! that was a challenge to come up with but now I will have access to this list and it's practical for me, and I hope for others. Enjoy!

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